C'est plus qu'un complot, c'est de l'acharnement !!! Maintenant (en date du 9 février donc) c'est le tour... des Corolla, pour la direction électrique qui tire d'un côté.
!!! Mais jusqu'où iront-ils ???
Source : Automotive News Alert.
February 9, 2010
The NHTSA has received 76 complaints that 2009 and 2010 Corollas can unexpectedly veer to the left or right at 40 miles an hour and up.
WASHINGTON -- Toyota Motor Corp. faces yet another possible federal investigation, this time of the electric power steering in 2009 and 2010 Corollas.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is considering a formal investigation of alleged defects reported in the compact car, agency spokeswoman Karen Aldana said.
Automotive News found that the Corolla has been the subject of 83 power-steering complaints since April 2008, 76 of which have reported that the vehicle unexpectedly veers to the left or right at 40 miles an hour and up.
Complainants have compared the movement to being buffeted by strong winds, sliding on black ice, or hydroplaning. They said that after trying to straighten the car, it can overcorrect -- requiring the driver to use a tight, persistent, two-handed grip on the wheel to travel in a straight line.
Encore des plaintes vagues, sur une panne non déterminée, pour des faits flous et peu nombreux (76 sur des millions de Corolla).
Cette fois "ILS" vont vraiment trop loin.