Modèles hybrides pour 2009... 2022, 2023 etc...

Retour Chez Toyota ou il n'aura pas fallu trop attendre entre l'annonce du nouveau 2,5L et son application dans une vraiment nouvelle Camry, basée sur la plateforme TNGA.

Bref, c'est plus moderne, plus dynamique, plus sobre. Avec ces arguments, il n'est pas complètement exclu qu'on la revoit en CEE.


Je l'aime bien. Elle a l'air concurrentielle par apport aux allemandes, car la plateforme TNGA lui donnera un comportement digne d'une grande routière. Les nouveaux blocs essence seront efficaces, mais en Europe, c'est surtout la version hybride qui me parait intéressante. Est-ce qu'il y aura une déclinaison PHEV ?

Je reste pessimiste quant au chances de la voir chez nous...

Jan :jap:
Ben comme l'actuelle il y a des chances que la nouvelle Camry soit dispo chez Toyota Europe....mais réservée aux marchés russes ou proches !! :-?
Cela dit sans versions break ( 70% des ventes de ce secteurs) pas de quoi la proposer aux européens de l'ouest 8)
Elle est superbe...pas de problème là-dessus.
Par contre elle surfe sur un créneau quasi réservé aux premium allemands ou suédois.
Elle est du gabarit de la Mondeo que beaucoup considèrent comme parfaite mais bien trop grande pour nos contrées.
Et effectivement, le marché d'aujourd'hui est tourné majoritairement vers du SUV et assimilés....
La berline trois volumes est en difficulté un peu partout.
La version 5 portes est plus intéressante. Pour moi, ses concurrentes sont la Mondeo et la Mazda 6.
Honda n'importe plus l'accord pour quelles raisons déjà ?..... Ah oui, elle ne se vend pas !....:jap:
La Camry n'est pas pour l'Europe. USA, Asie, ex URSS....sont ses marchés.
Mais ce n'est que mon je le partage ! :grin:
infos supplémentaires sur la Toyota Camry


d'après :

Le pack lithium-ion (plus léger) équipera à la fois la version la plus sobre et les versions les plus luxueuses. Il est donc plausible que la Ni-MH soit réservée à la version la moins chère.

Toyota dément toute version rechargeable.

Les caractéristiques détaillées et la consommation seront connue au plus tard lors du lancement à l'été 2017.

Suzuki ignis

Bonjour à tous

Un petit SUV sympathique vient de faire son apparition en version hybride chez SUZUKI.
Après la Baleno, voici l'Ignis.

Article intéressant à ce sujet ici :

* Il semblerait que l'hybridation possible sur ce véhicule soit léger, à l'instar des Honda, mais toujours un petit plus pour consommer moins :razz:

J'aime beaucoup son design, original. La fiabilité sera au rendez-vous avec Suzuki, mais il leur faudrait plus de visibilité pour séduire un marché français où la concurrence est riche.

Qu'en pensez-vous?
Que du bien! Mais avec une transmission auto! Bon, les ventes devraient rester confidentielles!
C'est boite manuelle, la boite auto en option dispo mi-2017.
Sympa, et surtout sobre car légér.

Toyota dément toute version rechargeable.
C'est bizarre que Toyota ne cherche pas plus, à aller vers le rechargeable, sur tous ces modèles.
Ils restent sur la technologie hybrid simple; alors que tous les constructeurs qui arrivent sur l'hybrid, le font en grande partie sur des versions rechargeable !
toyota n'aime pas ce qui se recharge sur le réseau électrique , il préfère que la voiture se recharge toute seule , en roulant ou en freinant.
C'est bizarre que Toyota ne cherche pas plus, à aller vers le rechargeable, sur tous ces modèles.
Ils restent sur la technologie hybrid simple; alors que tous les constructeurs qui arrivent sur l'hybrid, le font en grande partie sur des versions rechargeable !

C'est logique: Les hybrides Toyota sont destinées à être vendues en masse dans le monde entier. Entre autres dans des pays bien plus densément peuplés que la France et où toutes les places de parking ne sont pas dotées de prises de recharge. Le HSD n'est qu'un système de gestion d'énergie performent et qui n'a pas encore été égalé de ce point de vue par les autres véhicules à carburent fossile.

L'hybride rechargeable est fait pour donner l'impression de consommer moins (d'essence) en consomment souvent plus d'énergie (elec+essence). ça consomme souvent plus d'essence qu'une voiture normale quand on ne recharge pas donc charge "obligatoire" donc prise de courant sur la place de parking quotidien donc public restreint...

La démarche de Toyota est donc rationnelle: Des berlines/ SUV bien équipés, fiables qui consomment moins qu'une citadine d'il y a 20 ans (du vécu pour moi, ça :grin: ) pour Mr Toutlemonde et 1 modèle rechargeable juste pour montrer qu'ils savent faire (vendu fort cher à ceux qui ne compte pas :grin: )...
Accessoirement, l’électricité est extrêmement chère au japon (Fukushima a laissé des traces indélébiles).
Ceci explique probablement le peu d'empressement des constructeurs japonais à fabriquer des véhicules rechargeables.
Et puis la p3 rechargeable a été un échec.
Sur ce forum on avait suivi la période de test dans la région de Strasbourg qui avait duré, duré. On avait même fini par se demander si elle sortirait.
A l'arrivée, le résultat est décevant : chère et peu d'autonomie à tel point que certains propriétaires ne la rechargent plus.
Comme Toyota n'a pas trouvé la solution, ils arrêtent.
Après on fait de la comm.
Moi sans l essayer. Elle me plairait bien la prius 3 plug in.
J ai 18 km aller retour pour aller au travail. Il reste à installer une prise dans le garage. Elle permet d avoir 5 places. Pas trop lourde. Et Conso en mode hybride plus basse que l ampera et BMW hybride. J aimerai bien savoir si il y a moyen de réparer la batterie en changeant les cellules. Et niveau esthétique je la préfère à la Prius 4.
Et puis la p3 rechargeable a été un échec.
Sur ce forum on avait suivi la période de test dans la région de Strasbourg qui avait duré, duré. On avait même fini par se demander si elle sortirait.
A l'arrivée, le résultat est décevant : chère et peu d'autonomie à tel point que certains propriétaires ne la rechargent plus.
Comme Toyota n'a pas trouvé la solution, ils arrêtent.
Après on fait de la comm.
Le problème de la P3 rechargeable, c'était son autonomie VE d'environ 20 km !
Si la Prime sort avec 35 ou 40 km, elle se vendra probablement plus !
Par rapport à une hybrid classique; une rechargeable doit avoir un atout supplémentaire, pour valoir le surcoût ! Et l'autonomie électrique y est pour beaucoup.
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Réactions: Geo
toyota a TOUJOURS anticipé ........l'avenir. il y a 20 ans , personne n'y croyait , sauf toyota. aujourd'hui , TOUS y sont venu à l'hybridation des voitures et même voir plus , le 100% électrique. que se passera t il dans le futur. ? les files d'attente aux pompes à carburant , c'est déjà pas marrant , et on ne parle que de quelques minutes par voitures hein . quand il faudra faire file pour charger pendant 30 à 40 minutes , il va se passer quoi ? des gens vont se battre pour être premier au raccordement électrique, d'autres vont râler et s'énerver. j'entends déjà les noms d'oiseau voler bas . 😢
Toyota a été le précurseur et s'est placé sur le marché de l'hybridation simple.
Il est devenu plus qu'un symbole et détient quasi le monopole du marché sur cette technologie là.

Les autres constructeurs se placent simplement aujourd'hui sur un marché que Toyota n'a pas encore conquis.
Effectivement l'hybride rechargeable est une contre offensive tres europeenne , plutot adapté aux infrastructures par ici d'ailleurs. Or Toyota vend mondialement surtout ( l'Europe n'est pas dans les priorites depuis 10 se voit d'ailleurs à a travers une gamme qui fait peine à voir pour le premier mondial :-? )
faudrait voir les gammes ailleurs dans le monde , canada , japon , états unis , australie et afrique . tu risquerais d'être agréablement surpris. lorgne aussi sur lexus hein . :jap:
Bon désolé pour les anti ''inglish''....:-D
Mais c'est l'article du site, souvent à la pointe de l'info ''netcarshow'' où vous pouvez également trouver des centaines de photos de vos modèles préférés...

Ceci dit, BONNE lecture, il y a de quoi faire !


Toyota Camry, the best-selling car in America for the past 15 years, is about to ruffle some feathers. The eighth-generation sedan has gone through a total evolution, from a proven, dependable and safe car to one that also possesses a more exciting and emotional character, thanks to its newfound sporty performance and style.

The new Toyota Camry utilizes TNGA (Toyota New Global Architecture) which represents a completely new strategy to the way the company designs, engineers, and packages its vehicles. TNGA retains all of Toyota's traditional values of superlative build quality and safety while injecting a fun driving experience that plays on all the senses. The physical manifestation is the usage of a new engine, transmission and GA-K platform.

"The all-new 2018 Camry is, without a doubt, the most captivating mid-size sedan we've ever produced," said Bob Carter, Toyota senior vice president of automotive operations. "It delivers on everything Camry owners have come to expect from America's best-selling car, and adds to it, jaw-dropping design, more advanced technology, cutting-edge safety systems, and stirring performance that raises it to an unparalleled level of excitement."

"In order to create something that stirs people's soul, we've laid out the concept of a new sedan that provides fun and excitement behind the wheel," said Masato Katsumata, the Chief Engineer of the new Camry. "In developing the next-generation Toyota Camry, we were able to start with a clean slate, which allowed us to create a true driver's car."

The Camry development team aimed for a styling design concept that achieves strong harmony between refinement and a sensual athletic image, creating a new approach to the market. The result is a new signature design language that takes the car into a beautiful and futuristic new direction.

There were three primary design goals when penning the all-new Camry: a distinctive, low center of gravity that results in a firm wide stance; a practical-yet-emotionally styled cabin profile, and a sporty and upscale image both inside and out. These design goals have resulted in a new type of sedan that's both exciting to look at and, more importantly drive, reestablishing itself as the new standard in the midsize-sedan category.

An Exterior with Unexpected Attitude

The new Toyota Camry's face is accentuated by a two-piece grille comprised of flowing thin and thick treatments - key elements of the Camry's "Keen Look" design philosophy. The curvaceous 1.6-inch-lower hood sits neatly above the grille's uppermost section which accommodates a commanding Toyota emblem. For the hybrid model, the emblem is tinged a distinct blue hue. This fashionable trifecta of grille, hood, and emblem blends flawlessly into the A-pillar, and produces a stance that is undoubtedly more aggressive than that of any predecessor.

The 2018 Camry has a sleeker profile than the current model. By lowering the hip points of the occupants (nearly 1.0-inch in the front and 1.2-inches at the rear), and therefore their seating positions, the design team was able to reduce the car's overall vehicle height by approximately one inch from the current model and incorporate a lower roofline, without sacrificing interior space. This invited the designers to pursue a wind-cutting shape and improve aerodynamics. Striking character lines around and along the body augment the aggressive front and rear fenders, giving the reimagined Camry a sportiness that's never before been perceived on this model.

The lower hip point, shoulder line, roof line and hood height gives the new Camry the appearance that it has a low center of gravity, which it does. The design team knew the TNGA platform provided them with a great opportunity to pen a very expressive sedan, and they took advantage of this by getting the lines close to the ground and forming an energetic silhouette. They incorporated a strong stance that can be seen as you walk around the car.

Like the front of the vehicle, the rear features an athletic motif that melds flowing lines and complex shapes to form a sculpted landscape. Looking closely at the C-pillar's detail reveals a multitude of surfaces that reflect light from all angles. A distinct crease extends from the slim multicolor taillights down to the bumper, effectively "pushing" the wheels outward in appearance to create a wide posture akin to that of a premium sports sedan. The exclamation point here is provided by a newly designed Camry logo that gives the car an upscale identity.

Camry will again be available in four grades: LE, XLE, SE and XSE. The new Camry's "Sport" SE and XSE grades wear a noticeably different body style than the entry level LE and premium XLE grades, highlighted by a sculpted rocker panel, new 19-inch black machined-finish alloy wheels (XSE only) a subtle rear spoiler lip, aggressive front bumper, and rear bumper with an integrated lower diffuser. The face is much more distinctive with large side intakes flanking the lower bumper's unique "Catamaran" accents, a high and slim upper intake encompassing the central Toyota badge, and a powerfully expressive mesh grille. A revised rear bumper with distinctive corner lines and smoke-tinted rear combination lamps highlight the changes at the rear.

The Camry design team sought to make the new Camry sport models instantly recognizable and appear different from the other models from as far as 200 yards away.

Striking and Comfortable Cabin

The completely redesigned interior is a fusion of functionality, futuristic styling, and a high degree of personal space and craftsmanship. While the driver is situated in a sporty cockpit-type environment having gauges angled toward his or her direction, the front passenger is treated to a sense of openness and freedom that results from the innovative dashboard design. A key visual element of this driver-focused design concept is a sweeping yet elegant new character line that flows down from the instrument cluster and bisects the center console waterfall. The design of the entire front console strikes a smooth connection between the ease of use of all controls/systems and a handsome and modern sculptural look that is pleasing to the eye. All surfaces throughout the cabin-dashboard, instrument panel, center console, door trim, etc.-employ the highest grade of soft touch and premium materials. Using an approach typically used in home furnishings, the design utilizes a mix of tones and hues throughout a space rather than a strict color profile. The result is a cabin space having diverse colors and materials, and that enhances passenger comfort and visual satisfaction.

The front seats have been completely reengineered with improved ergonomics, providing maximum comfort with a newfound level of ease and engagement to match the new Camry's elevated performance and athleticism. Rear-seat accommodations are more refined than ever with improved roominess and ergonomics. Exquisite stitching on the front- and rear-seat surfaces is but one example of the high level of craftsmanship found throughout the vehicle.

High Interaction, Minimal Distraction

The new Toyota Camry features Toyota's latest Human Machine Interface (HMI) whose next-generation display technology offers a unique level of integrated information with minimal distraction. It relays information through three interlinked displays: available interlinked displays: a 10-inch color Head-Up Display (HUD); a seven-inch multi-information display within the instrument cluster, and an eight-inch audio/navigation display and HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) control panel that's seamlessly integrated into the center console in a modern, flush-surface design. Convenient and highly intuitive operation is assured through customizable features and smart phone-like touch screen icons that create a seamless connection and user workflow between the HMI system and other digital media.

Full Utilization of Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA)

The 2018 Toyota Camry fully incorporates the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA). At its foundation, TNGA is a structural reform movement for the entire company that will result in cars that are more dynamic, athletic, and fun to drive.

By extending the wheelbase by two inches, as well as bringing down the roof and hood height (by approximately 1.0 and 1.6-inches, respectively), the development team lowered the center of gravity and created a wider and more composed vehicle. The new platform also allows for an ideal seating position for the driver, now lower and near the center of the car for enhanced feedback, along with adjusting the overall seating position for all the vehicle's occupants. A lower heel point provides more foot room and ease of movement. The range of steering column adjustment has been increased from the current vehicle, while the hood, cowl, and dashboard height have all been lowered for enhanced outward visibility.

The driver and front passenger will experience an unprecedented sense of outward visibility, thanks to a more compact design for the instrument panel and a lowered beltline. The reimagined position of the A-pillar and side mirror sections results in enhanced lateral visibility and creates a noticeable sense of openness when the driver sits behind the wheel.

To be continued.....
Suite et fin.....

All Gain With No MPG Pain

Three new powertrains will be available on the new 2018 Camry: They include a new 3.5-liter V6 with D-4S Fuel Injection and an all-new 2.5-liter inline-4 gasoline engine, which comes paired to a new 8-speed Direct-Shift automatic transmission (8AT), and a next-generation Toyota Hybrid System (THS II).

To match the chassis' increased handling and performance capability, Toyota engineers have developed the TNGA-inspired all-new 2.5-liter 4-cylinder Dynamic Force Engine to make the most of the platform's enhanced designs, packaging and rigidity. This new generation engine focuses on higher torque, higher power and lower fuel consumption in total use range. This is accomplished by achieving rapid combustion due to higher tumble air flow. With its long-stroke and high compression ratio, multi-hole direct fuel injectors, variable cooling system and the latest version of Toyota's Variable Valve-Timing-intelligent Electric (VVT-iE), this high-output powerplant takes the gasoline-powered internal combustion engine to a new level with world-leading thermal efficiency of 40 percent. Along with enhanced performance characteristics, the new engine is also expected to be extremely fuel efficient, and is anticipated to achieve best-in-class fuel economy. It comes mated to the newly developed Direct Shift-8AT transmission that provides direct-lock up from gears two through eight to eliminate power loss from the torque converter, executing shifts like a high-performance automated manual gearbox.

The new hybrid system has also been engineered to provide the ideal balance of energy efficiency with superior power output to maximize driving performance and enjoyment. The next-generation Toyota Hybrid System has been engineered to work in concert with the new 2.5-liter 4-cylinder Dynamic Force Engine setup offering significantly more driving excitement than before. The hybrid's Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) features a new Sport Mode setting that allows the driver to execute smooth yet quick "gear" shifts of the simulated 6-speed sequential shift transmission. The SE grade adds paddle shifters for increased fun and a more sporting driving experience. The Sport Mode setting also improves acceleration and feel thanks to an electric power boost from the hybrid system. Furthermore, to help enhance the vehicle's handling capability, the hybrid system's battery pack has moved from the trunk to beneath the rear seat for a noticeably enriched handling feel, thanks to the vehicle's much improved lower center of gravity-yet another benefit of the TNGA platform.

In addition to its enhanced handling and driving performance, the hybrid version of the new Camry is anticipated to achieve best-in-class fuel economy ratings, with Prius-like city/highway driving efficiency.

A New Experience Focused on Vastly Superior Driving Dynamics

At the foundation of the Camry's sporty handling and enhanced ride quality is its high-strength body/platform structure. Through the increased use of ultra-high-tensile steel and the application of a new molding technology it delivers enhanced structural rigidity.

Further aiding performance is an innovative new double wishbone rear suspension system that imbues the chassis with responsive handling and precise steering control while simultaneously delivering ride quality on par with premium luxury vehicles. A new four-point engine mounting system adds to the vehicle's civil road manners as it greatly reduces unwanted noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) from permeating into the passenger compartment.

The biggest challenge for the Camry engineering team was to figure out how to convey the driving dynamics of a soul-stirring sedan. Driving dynamics were always at the forefront of the engineering philosophy for the new Camry. They wanted a new Camry in which the driver will be highly impressed with the handling capability and composure of the new design. So much so, that drivers will notice the dramatic improvements within the first few seconds of driving.

Toyota Safety That Makes Sense

Among the many safety features on the 2018 Camry is standard Toyota Safety Sense™ P (TSS-P). This multi-feature advanced active safety suite bundles cutting edge active safety technologies including Pre-Collision System with Pedestrian Detection (PCS w/PD), Full-Speed Range Dynamic Radar Cruise Control (DRCC), Lane Departure Alert with Steering Assist (LDA w/SA); and Automatic High Beams (AHB). Select models will also come with standard Blind Spot Monitor (BSM) with Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA).

All 2018 Camry's have 10 standard airbags and Toyota's Star Safety System™, which includes Enhanced Vehicle Stability Control, Traction Control, Electronic Brake-force Distribution, Brake Assist, Anti-lock Braking System, and Smart Stop Technology®. All Camry's also come equipped with a standard backup camera.

Ever Better Entune™ 3.0 Multimedia For Everyone

Toyota Camry drivers will be the first to enjoy enhanced connectivity and entertainment through the new Toyota Entune™ 3.0 multimedia system. The new 2018 Camry will feature Entune 3.0 on all models, offering an enhanced set of connected vehicle technologies.

The Entune 3.0 system will feature navigation and App Suite Connect for everyone. All Camry four-cylinder and hybrid models will come standard with the Connected Navigation Scout GPS Link with Moving Maps. Camry V6 models will offer the new Dynamic Navigation system, providing improved map accuracy. The wireless map updates provide over-the-air map downloads of recently added roads and point-of-interest not contained in the existing head unit map.

Entune 3.0 delivers several new technologies including available Remote Connect, which provides remote start and door unlock capability, vehicle status notifications, a guest driver monitor, and vehicle finder. Keeping up with your vehicle's health status has never been easier. Available Service Connect will provide up-to-date vehicle information on fuel level, maintenance alerts, and more. Entune 3.0 will also offer available WiFi Connect, allowing up to five mobile devices to connect using 4G LTE.

The new 2018 Camry will also offer a JBL premium audio system that features new advancements in sound quality. Sound enhancements include Sound Staging, which positions speakers directly in front of the listener to help emulate a live concert venue; Low Frequency Sounds, made possible by an added 10.1-inch subwoofer; Clari-Fi, a technology that "un-compresses" music to help restore an audio track's dynamic range; and nine speakers that are specifically tuned to the Camry's cabin dimensions and materials.

Camry - Everybody's All-American

For nearly three decades, Toyota Camry's American manufacturing home has been Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky (TMMK) in Georgetown, Ky. Most Camrys sold in America are assembled in Georgetown by more than 7,700 proud American team members. This pride has been reflected by the fact Camry is the best-selling car in America and has held this sales crown for 15 consecutive years! Overall Camry sales in the U.S. since it first launched back in 1983 have surpassed 10 million units, and counting.

With Camry as a cornerstone of its US operations, Toyota has been part of the cultural fabric of America for nearly 60 years. With over $22 billion in direct U.S. investment, including 10 manufacturing facilities, 1,500 dealerships and 136,000 dedicated employees, Toyota has produced 25 million vehicles in the U.S. over the last 30 years.

History of Camry

Sold in more than 100 countries, the Toyota Camry is the most popular mid-size sedan in the world and is the segment leader in many global markets where it is available. Introduced in Japan in 1982, the Camry was Toyota's first mass-produced vehicle with a transverse engine layout. Its welcomed combination of affordability with superior packaging, quality and engineering was a revolutionary concept, allowing the Camry to distinguish itself from other, notably larger American sedans that were popular at the time. One could say it was a pioneer in establishing the Midsize-sedan segment. In the following years, the Camry became a sales success everywhere it was sold. Today, Camry remains a key model in the Toyota lineup and is manufactured in 10 different plants around the globe, with total sales surpassing 18 million units.

The all-new 2018 Toyota Camry will begin rolling into Toyota dealers in late summer 2017.
La P3 PHR est loin d’être un échec , elle l'est certainement d'un point de vue commercial mais cette voiture est a mon point de vue une vraie réussite , une consommation en mode hybride record , un poids a peine plus important que sa sœur non rechargeable , la possibilité de recharger sur une prise de courant 240v standard et en a peine 1h30 la totalité de son autonomie EV de 4,4kwh qui est le plus souvent suffisante pour une utilisation domicile travail en zone urbaine en gardant une habitabilité satisfaisante .
Je plussoie. Lorsque les trajets sont adaptés, ça devient un vrai chameau ! Et les consos restent très contenues, même sur autoroute! Une excellente voiture, avec un tarif très raisonnable en occasion, mais pas en neuf!
Bon désolé pour les anti ''inglish''....:-D
Mais c'est l'article du site, souvent à la pointe de l'info ''netcarshow'' où vous pouvez également trouver des centaines de photos de vos modèles préférés...

Ceci dit, BONNE lecture, il y a de quoi faire !

En résumé, c'est exactement le même traitement qu'à reçu la P4.
Ça promet une nouvelle Camry qui devrait beaucoup plus vive et amusante à conduire que les générations précédentes.

Je ne serai pas surpris de voir des essayeurs US employer le terme "sportivité" dans leurs tests à venir... :wink:
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