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Source : Macbidouille
#8142 - iTrip interdit a la vente en Irlande et UK - Lionel - 09:05:57
Nous cédons la parole à Mardc, revendeur Mac en Irlande.
je suis revendeur Apple en Irlande et je viens de recevoir une email des mes distributeurs concernant iTrip.
Dear Reseller,
We have recently been contacted by Commission for Communications Regulation about the Griffin iTrip, please see mail below:
" ....As you know the iTrip works by transmitting at low power in the FM broadcast band. There is no provision in Ireland (or the majority of Europe for that matter) for operating a device like the iTrip. Under the 1926 Wireless Telegraphy Act it is a criminal offence to use, or even to possess an iTrip. Under Section 9 of the 1988 Broadcasting and Wireless Telegraphy Act it is an offence to supply these products. The penalties range from a maximum fine of €1,270 in the District Court to €25,400 upon conviction on indictment in the Circuit Court.
Additionally, under the EU Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Directive, implemented in Ireland as S.I. 240 of 2001, all radio-related products must be CE-compliant. We have inspected iTrips and find that they are not so compliant. Non-compliant products may not be paced on the market ANYWHERE in the EU. Under the R&TTE Directive the importer/distributor has responsibility for ensuring that the products they supply are compliant. The penalty for supplying a non-compliant device is a maximum of €3,000 in each case.
This means that the iTrip cannot be sold into the UK either or any other EU country. Please ensure that you do not distribute this, or similar products. I would be grateful if you could pass this information on to your resellers.
En résumé, l'usage de l'iTrip est interdit dans toute l'Union Européenne pour deux raisons:
- Sa fonction d'émetteur n'est pas autorisée
- Il n'est pas référencé comme conforme aux normes CE.