
  • Initiateur de la discussion Initiateur de la discussion priusfan
  • Date de début Date de début

J'utilise HA sur ma prius 4 de 2016 (75000kms) pour mes trajets quotidiens. Autant dire que je connais bien le fonctionnement de HA, et de la voiture.

Mais j'ai remarqué 2 choses bizarres hier :
- le matin, le Soc est passé de 54 à 51% alors que la consommation électrique était négative (de -1kw à-5kw), j'étais en ralentissement dans un faux plat descendant
- le soir, plutôt l'inverse : alors que j'étais arrêté à un feu avec une conso de +0,7kw le Soc est remonté (de 53 à 54%)

Je n'avais jamais constaté de telles anomalies, est ce que cela peut venir du logiciel (erreur de calcul par exemple) ou y aurait-il quelque chose de louche avec la batterie ?

Merci à ceux qui sauront m'aider
A mon avis, tu observes simplement des variations du SoC liées à des changement de température.
Merci Priusfan, j'avais jamais remarqué cela jusque là, et hier 2 fois c'est ce qui m'étonne.
Je vais continuer à observer...
I use a vlinker mc+ . I do confirm this is the best I ever tested.
Hi dear Priusfan,I already bought a mc+.i tested it with my 2022 Hybrid Levin today,However it doesn't recognize the car model and doesn't work.I need some help, what should I do?
It is an unknown model in our countries.

It would surely need some modifications to be recognized, because it's still based on the same engines as the other Toyota models.
it is possible with HA to simulate a known model...

Regarding levin, back in 2018/2019, we met a strange model: the engine was similar to prius 3, but the hybrid system was similar to prius 4...
So we adapted for this...

Can you give some details regarding your model
  • Engine: 1.8L or 2L, type of injection port / direct or both.
  • Hybrid system: similar to Prius4/Corolla or other
  • Battery: NiMh or LiIon.
If you use car scanner, you may get all sort of infos.
Also, you can get the logs from HA. Attach them here and I will have a look...
it is possible with HA to simulate a known model...

Regarding levin, back in 2018/2019, we met a strange model: the engine was similar to prius 3, but the hybrid system was similar to prius 4...
So we adapted for this...

Can you give some details regarding your model
  • Engine: 1.8L or 2L, type of injection port / direct or both.
  • Hybrid system: similar to Prius4/Corolla or other
  • Battery: NiMh or LiIon.
If you use car scanner, you may get all sort of infos.
Also, you can get the logs from HA. Attach them here and I will have a look...
Hi dear priusfan:
Thanks,In China, Levin and Corolla are the same car, but with different shapes.
My 2022 Levin car infos.
  • Engine: 1.8L, 4 four-cylinder manifold injection.
  • Hybrid system: should be similar to Corolla,because Levin and Corolla are the same in china.
  • Battery: NiMh
I have used the car scanner & HA,but I don't know what information is needed.I'm going to read the information and then post.
thank u
it is possible with HA to simulate a known model...

Regarding levin, back in 2018/2019, we met a strange model: the engine was similar to prius 3, but the hybrid system was similar to prius 4...
So we adapted for this...

Can you give some details regarding your model
  • Engine: 1.8L or 2L, type of injection port / direct or both.
  • Hybrid system: similar to Prius4/Corolla or other
  • Battery: NiMh or LiIon.
If you use car scanner, you may get all sort of infos.
Also, you can get the logs from HA. Attach them here and I will have a look...
Sorry,I am not sure the type of injection port/direct.I will get infos by the car scanner or HA.
Hi dear priusfan
I read the data by HA & car scanner,but I don't know if it is correct or not, please confirm.

Pièces jointes

Dernière édition:
Bonjour future1990,
merci de nous rejoindre sur le forum du Prius Touring Club.

Tout d'abord, il faut noter que les Toyota destinées au marché chinois, spnt produite en coopération avec un industriel chinois.
Les références des pièces peuvent être spécifiques au marché chinois. Par exemple, le moteur 1.8L des hybrides est référencé 5ZR-FXE pour les Prius de fabrication chinoise, 2ZR-FXE ailleurs.

Concernant le moteur 1.8l, je n'ai jamis vu de version à injection directe.








Hi dear
Thanks,I found out that the engine type is 8ZR-FXE(1.8L),electronic fuel injection.
you can try to simulate an older levin or a corolla.
to do this in HA
change the langage to english
and follow these steps:
1) select the wrench (bottom left) to access to the parms
2) select Hybrid Reporter

3) in HR, go to menu (3 dots top right)

4) select "Database Maintenance"
5) on the bottom of this page, where you see bzff,
write exactly BZ3B et select "Set Code"

this will force the detection of a corolla 1.8L

and now you test in your car...

you can also test a previous model of Levin, using the code BY80

this method is not easy to use (it was reserved to devs)
you can try to simulate an older levin or a corolla.
to do this in HA
change the langage to english
and follow these steps:
1) select the wrench (bottom left) to access to the parms
2) select Hybrid Reporter
Regarde la pièce jointe 8484

3) in HR, go to menu (3 dots top right)
Regarde la pièce jointe 8485

4) select "Database Maintenance"
Regarde la pièce jointe 8486
5) on the bottom of this page, where you see bzff,
write exactly BZ3B et select "Set Code"

Regarde la pièce jointe 8487
this will force the detection of a corolla 1.8L

and now you test in your car...

you can also test a previous model of Levin, using the code BY80

this method is not easy to use (it was reserved to devs)
Thanks,I will try.
you can try to simulate an older levin or a corolla.
to do this in HA
change the langage to english
and follow these steps:
1) select the wrench (bottom left) to access to the parms
2) select Hybrid Reporter
Regarde la pièce jointe 8484

3) in HR, go to menu (3 dots top right)
Regarde la pièce jointe 8485

4) select "Database Maintenance"
Regarde la pièce jointe 8486
5) on the bottom of this page, where you see bzff,
write exactly BZ3B et select "Set Code"

Regarde la pièce jointe 8487
this will force the detection of a corolla 1.8L

and now you test in your car...

you can also test a previous model of Levin, using the code BY80

this method is not easy to use (it was reserved to devs)
Hi dear priusfan
I had tested the BZ3B,It's work good,do I need to do something?or Can I keep using it like this?
Thank u very much.
Il ne consomme pas beaucoup 3l/100km. 😗
thank you for your feedback...
Fine, I am happy for you.🙂
Can I keep using it like this? You can switch back to chinese if you like....
and you can share your experience on FaceBook...
thank you for your feedback...
Fine, I am happy for you.🙂
Can I keep using it like this? You can switch back to chinese if you like....
and you can share your experience on FaceBook...
Dear priusfan, thanks your help to me. I'll share my experience on FaceBook. I have another question: Using the force code on HA with my car,Will it have a bad effect on my car?Besides, does the development team need my feedback on this model?
The force code is only a trick to manage unknown models.
There is absolutely no risk because of this. (unless you look at your phone instead of the road ):velo:

Yes, your feedback may be interesting... after a week from now, from the "data base" window, select "Export" and send us the database.
it will be analysed by Alessandro & myself.
you can contact me by private message (the envelop icon you can see on top right of your screen when you are visiting this website).
The force code is only a trick to manage unknown models.
There is absolutely no risk because of this. (unless you look at your phone instead of the road ):velo:

Yes, your feedback may be interesting... after a week from now, from the "data base" window, select "Export" and send us the database.
it will be analysed by Alessandro & myself.
you can contact me by private message (the envelop icon you can see on top right of your screen when you are visiting this website).
Thanks, I got it.
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