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@priusfan International inc and bros Ltd :

Please use the translator towards your native language
Pour info, il existe une version pirate (gratuite mais qui nécessite un interface spécifique) de HA en Chine....

Nous avons été alertés par le fabricant de Vlinker:
On Sat, Jul 22, 2023 at 2:29 AM techsupport@jinxusolu.com <techsupport@jinxusolu.com> wrote:
Thank you very much for your clarification, we understand that someone should be using your name to cheat consumers.
They should have modified the official version of your 3.303.2 and made a partial localization,added support for hybrid models in China.
This APK (base.apk)can be downloaded at the following address, it is free but only works with their modified OBDLink LX devices:

On Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 3:55 AM techsupport@jinxusolu.com <techsupport@jinxusolu.com> wrote:
We would like to consult you on a matter as follows:
1. There are many vLinker users feedback that your Hybird Assistant Version 3.303.2 Chinese software does not support vLinker devices, but your official website shows that FD and MC are supported by all models, Causes vLinkers devices to be returned.
2. We tested the latest OBDLink devices and they are not supported either, it seems that only OBDLink devices with specific software version are supported.
3. The Chinese team selling this version of the software claims to have paid you for the modifications, we would like to know if you are aware of this.
4. APK download address is as follows.:
Oh, comme c'est bizarre 😁😂😂😂


Hi dear
Can I ask you for help? I have a new problem is that the temperature of the big battery is too high. I live in Chongqing that the temperature of the city is very hot in summer. Even with the air conditioner turned on, the temperature of the large battery often exceeds 44 degrees.The battery will not work, the engine will be forced to intervene, and the fuel consumption will be very high.
The car automatically controls the cooling fan of the battery with a maximum of three gears.Can I learn from you to manually start and control the fan?
Thank you very much.


Hi dear
Can I ask you for help? I have a new problem is that the temperature of the big battery is too high. I live in Chongqing that the temperature of the city is very hot in summer. Even with the air conditioner turned on, the temperature of the large battery often exceeds 44 degrees.The battery will not work, the engine will be forced to intervene, and the fuel consumption will be very high.
The car automatically controls the cooling fan of the battery with a maximum of three gears.Can I learn from you to manually start and control the fan?
Thank you very much.
There is an air vent at the bottom of the back seat, at the right, equipped with a filter. It would be worth checking if this filter is not clogged, as this would prevent a proper cooling of the battery. The procedure to access the filter should be described in the manual of your car.
There is an air vent at the bottom of the back seat, at the right, equipped with a filter. It would be worth checking if this filter is not clogged, as this would prevent a proper cooling of the battery. The procedure to access the filter should be described in the manual of your car.
The air vent and filter are ok , the temperature of the battery cooling air inlet can reach 25 degrees,the maximum speed of the fan is only 3 gears, and the heat dissipation rate is not enough. I have a car friend who is an online car-hailing car, and this situation also occurs, and there is no way to go to 4s.
It's necessary to use the air conditioning
You can force fan to position 6 with HA. It's explained on page 30 of EN/CN manual.
However, I don't know if it works with your car type. Usually it should work.

Moreover, automatic fan mode is explained in chapter 8.2.5.
You can force fan to position 6 with HA. It's explained on page 30 of EN/CN manual.
However, I don't know if it works with your car type. Usually it should work.

Moreover, automatic fan mode is explained in chapter 8.2.5.
Thanks,It did not work with ha 318 and vlinker mc+. I want to konw the method of force fan to 6 position. So i want to learn it.
The only way to change the fan mode is to tap on the fan symbol. Each tap switches to next mode between OFF/AUTO/ALWAYS ON.
The only way to change the fan mode is to tap on the fan symbol. Each tap switches to next mode between OFF/AUTO/ALWAYS ON.
thanks. is it work with ha318 and vlinker mc+? Does anything show up when I click on the fan symbol?
The fan control is not managed by HA for models from 2018.
Independantly of release and interface....
The fan control is not managed by HA for models from 2018.
Independantly of release and interface....
Hi dear
Can there be a solution? In China there is a modified version of 303ha that can display all data and manually control the fan. However, the brake data cannot be displayed with vlinker mc+. I want to fix it . May I know the basic principle of ha work?
The manufacturer of vlinker complained to HA’ s team about a bad support of mc+.
We analysed this modified version (302).
This is a badly hacked version, based on our original published 2 years ago.
This hacked version doesnot support vlinker.
Ask for support to the pirates....
The manufacturer of vlinker complained to HA’ s team about a bad support of mc+.
We analysed this modified version (302).
This is a badly hacked version, based on our original published 2 years ago.
This hacked version doesnot support vlinker.
Ask for support to the pirates....
Thanks,Will HA be open source in the future?
The manufacturer of vlinker complained to HA’ s team about a bad support of mc+.
We analysed this modified version (302).
This is a badly hacked version, based on our original published 2 years ago.
This hacked version doesnot support vlinker.
Ask for support to the pirates....
I want to learn java with zero foundation, and then customize HA for me, if it is open source.
Thank u very much.
i can't do battery test for corolla 2020, 1800cc 122hp. how can I do that?
La semaine dernière, mon concessionnaire m'a prêté pour 24 heures un RAV4 hybride 2023. J'ai voulu utiliser Hybrid Assistant, que j'utilise très régulièrement avec ma Prius. Mais HA se connecte, mais semble ne pas reconnaître la voiture (Unknown à la place du modèle) puis quitte immédiatement.
J'ai vérifié que j'avais bien la dernière version. Est-ce un problème général d'HA, ou bien c'est lié à mon téléphone ?
Plutôt l'adaptateur OBD BT ; voir la liste des adaptateurs valides pour les dernières générations de HSD .
Pas forcément, peut-être que le modèle 2023 a évolué et n'a pas encore été recensé dans HA...
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